Pubs, smoking etc


You cannot smoke inside pubs. Many will have a space outside for smokers, possibly even tables, so you can enjoy the cold, wind and rain.

While we are on the subject, here is a list of some of the many places where you are not allowed to or should not smoke:

  • wine or cocktail bars, restaurants, coffee shops, cafes, snack bars…
  • places of entertainment eg theatres, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, including the foyer and bathrooms, indoors or outdoors
  • on any form of transport, public or otherwise eg bus, train, taxi, boat, aeroplane, tube… regardless of the length of the journey
  • at any station or terminal, including booking halls and platforms, even if they are outside
  • inside bus shelters, even if all the glass has been smashed out
  • in playgrounds or any enclosed building in a park, swimming pools, gyms…
  • in any shop of any size or type, including supermarkets, clothes shops etc
  • at indoor markets
  • hospitals, schools, libraries, police stations, halls of residence, museums…
  • in hotels, except in rooms that are designated as smoking rooms or in specified areas
  • tunnels, passageways etc
  • at any place where a no smoking sign is shown
  • at another person’s private house unless you ask and they give permission (that’s just politeness)

Many restrictions also include vaping, and they must say so in some way or other, but not all.


If you smoke in a no smoking place, what will happen?

In a hotel, probably a big fine.

Anywhere else… well, someone may give you a sharp look or a word, but probably nothing.

As people who have had friends and family die from smoking related issues, we are not going to tell you not to smoke. You do what you like. Just don’t get us to have to suffer it.

Why not read this?

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