Category Archives: Thunderbirds

Gerry Anderson

We know there are many folk out there who are fans of the Gerry Anderson shows, mainly of the 1960s but later as well. There is a YouTube channel that is streaming many of them, and while we do have … Continue reading

Posted in Television, Thunderbirds, Videos | 1 Comment

“Thunderbirds Are Go”/”Thunderbird 6”

The 1960s was a high spot in British television. The Avengers, The Prisoner, Dr Who, The Saint, great drama and, of course, the series created by Gerry Anderson. Many, most of his at this time were marionettes: Fireball XL5, Supercar, … Continue reading

Posted in Films, Thunderbirds | 1 Comment


I always loved the original Thunderbirds. It was great tv for its time. But, I have always had questions: why were the launch procedures of the craft so complicated? why did the Tracy brothers nearly always wear the same clothes? … Continue reading

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