‘Abbey Road‘
Abbey Road is actually a road. Knowledge bomb there. It runs north west from by Lord’s cricket ground towards Kilburn.
The bit you are thinking of, the recording studio, is where it meets Grove End Road at the south eastern end. There’s no tube nearby, but the 139 bus goes along that route.
When The Beatles used it to record the majority of their tunes, it was called the EMI Recording Studios. They changed the name later because of the album. The album is a celebration of the road, not the studio, that’s why the back of the album cover is what it is.

It looks like a slightly off white big house with lots of extensions. We haven’t been in for a very long time, but it did have a characteristic smell. You can’t go in unless you have a reason (and an appointment). They do occasionally have public events, but very rarely.
At the front is a fence and a wall. It is always covered in graffiti and damaged. Beatles fans for sure love to improve things by vandalising them.

But that’s not what you want to do, is it? You want to cross the same zebra crossing the lads did all those years ago. You want to block the traffic, have a friend fumble to take a blurred picture of you, annoying everyone in the process. Right? Then you can show your friends at home just what you did.
It gets so busy you may have to join a queue. People will be annoyed at your lack of consideration.

And… it’s not even the real crossing, maybe. So many reports say the real crossing has gone and this is a different one in another place. Some reports say no, it is real, but the council in charge said they moved it and that stands for us.