I have never been thrown out from or not admitted to a film, though I was underage when I saw this (OK, by just a few days). A friend who was older was not allowed in. That was the Capitol cinema Scarborough for you. It’s a bingo hall now.
“Woodstock”, from 1970, is a record of the events at, er, Woodstock, the festival of peace, love and music in New York.
Director Michael Wadleigh had multiple cameras covering it all. There are three main areas of interest: the bands and their performances, of course, the crowd and how they dealt with the conditions and the weather, and the views of the locals (mixed but mostly negative).

There’s a good variety of acts shown, some still going kind of (eg The Who), some rather forgotten (eg Country Joe McDonald) and many long gone (eg Hendrix, Janis Joplin). And some refused to be filmed (eg Blood, Sweat & Tears) and who probably regret it now. And some just starting on a long career (Crosby, Stills & Nash).

The film makes use of split/multiple screens and has to be seen on the big screen with good sound. There are dvd versions that include more music.

The actual festival took place in 1969. Blimey!!