
However, I wanted to mention their first two albums from Italy, before Lake and Sinfield got to them. These are Storia di un minuto and Per Un Amico. These albums are just fantastic, especially the first, so laid back and musical. They are available on cd, maybe download I don’t know, but try to get a good condition original vinyl version if you can, and listen on headphones. They are both highly regarded.

There’s some great playing, including Mauro Pagani on violins and blown things, and Flavio Premoli on keyboards, but all the band are great.

There are some classic tunes here, things they still play, but I love the production more than anything. It’s so warm and welcoming, and the mellotron just cuddles your ears and makes you feel great all over.

A somewhat neglected group. If this is your kind of music, check them out!

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