
A friend asked me a question about the election results. She wanted to know why there was such a big difference between the share of votes and the number of seats won. She sent this picture:

There’s not a huge difference in the share of the votes between Conservative and Labour, but there is a huge difference in the seats. Actually, the Labour vote is much the same as it was in the last election, but the number of seats is hugely increased.

I answered her question. I wanted to say it was a good question, but it wasn’t. The media and the minor parties have been banging on about the same thing, but it’s fake news.

Let’s explain why.

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Election results

There were predictions that Labour would get 410 seats. In the end, they exceeded that. The votes did not increase, but the seats did.

In truth, people just wanted rid of the Conservatives. People feel let down for many reasons.

There are many who believe that the Tory party is not tough enough on immigration, legal or illegal, that they are not racist enough, if you like.

There are many who believe that the Brexit promises, that the UK would become a land of paradise after we left the EU, have not been met. Brexit is responsible for empty shops, high prices, long lines at customs and immigration and stricter rules when travelling to Europe. A benefit of Brexit? Er… blue passports?

Many are fed up with all the COVID shenanigans, partygate, friends of the Tory politicians getting rich, the waste. We have long memories.

There are families struggling to put food on the table. They know the government did not care for them, until it was too late to get their vote. They saw politicians getting rich, advancing their careers, getting almost cult followings. It was about the MPs and not about serving the people.

Sunak had a terrible campaign. If there was any chance at all that he could even save face, he lost it by skipping the D Day celebrations. Then multiple Conservative MPs were caught betting on election dates. Had Sunak tipped them off? Well, he chose the date…

There’s a long list.

Gone are so many of the corrupt ministers. Penny Mordaunt, Liz Truss, Lord Snooty (sorry, Rees-Mogg), Gillian Keegan… but still so many of the really nasty ones still around, including James (shithole) Cleverly, Suella (homelessness is a lifestyle choice) Braverman and Kemi (let’s cure the gays) Badenoch.

We hope that the new government will bring back a sense of duty and responsibility. Time will tell…

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The Election

Today in the UK is election day. If you have been here for more than a few hours, you will already be bored with the non-stop coverage. But not as bored as we are.

It will soon be over, and the results will come in over the next few days.

Here are a few interesting facts (generalisations):

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are divided into 650 constituencies, roughly equal sized (by population, not geographical area) represented by one elected Member of Parliament (MP) in the House of Commons.

Elections are held on Thursdays. Anyone over 18 who is registered can vote if they wish, though it is not compulsory. Voting is at a polling station. Mine is maybe 50m from my home, but some can be far away or people may have issues and so postal votes are available. There is no on-line or electronic voting.

The election is called by the Prime Minister (PM) but there has to be at least one every five (5) years.

The main parties are Conservative (who have ruled our country since 2010), Labour and some minor parties, like the Liberal Democrats or Greens. In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland there are local parties who also stand. There are often small, independent candidates.

Voting in person means going to a station, identifying yourself, marking a cross (X) on a piece of paper for your choice and posting it in a box.

You can vote for whoever you want. No-one asks you why you voted for a person. You could like with their politics or think they have great legs or agree with their racist policies or know their children or just think that all the other candidates are worse. If you don’t like any, you can not bother to vote or spoil your paper. You can vote for people who are dead if their name appears on the paper (presumably they died in the time between the names being submitted and the vote).

The vote is not secret. Every voter has a unique number and every paper does too, and they are recorded, so you could see who voted for what if you cared.

The votes are counted by hand and the candidate with the most wins. That constituency is represented by the winning person and their party gets a seat in Parliament. The party with the greatest number of seats is the government, the rest are opposition. That party chooses or has a leader who becomes Prime Minister, so we do not vote for the PM directly (unless you are in their constituency, of course)

If the winners do not get more than 325 (half) they can:

We don’t generally like to talk politics. We look back over the last rule of the Tories and see Brexit (which most people agree now was bad), COVID-19, Boris’ partygate, illegal immigration at an all time high, increasing crime and violence and prisoners being released from prison at random, Truss destroying the economy, the health service in tatters, huge national debt and record high government borrowing… it goes on.

Who will win? Ask me tomorrow…

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